Good portfolios aren’t just made up of good assets. Now you can combine forecasts, risk assessments and diversification to maximize your returns at minimum risk. The Portfolio Intelligence Platform replaces weeks of analysis to provide intuitive access to complex analytics so you can ensure your next trade matches your strategy, faster and more efficiently.
It’s important your foundational strategies line up with your business objectives and perform well against your benchmarks. To do this, you need to plan ahead, assess the risk and return whenever you invest or divest, and measure expected returns, historical variances, market and sector correlations at a moment’s notice. Fortunately, with the OfficeBlocks Portfolio Intelligence Platform, portfolio optimisation has never been easier and what used to take weeks can now be part of your daily decision-making. Life just got a whole lot easier.

With the Portfolio Intelligence Platform, you get an intuitive interface, sophisticated analytics and are able to:
- Select existing portfolio and prospective assets
- Try combinations of acquisitions and disposals
- See the combined effect of forecasts, volatilities and diversification benefits
- See results in terms of risk and return vs the efficient frontier
- Change perspective of currency, investment horizon and risk appetite
- Depending on your objectives, see the absolute risk and return or the risk and return relative to benchmark performance
- Make a strategic plan and check new transactions against that plan
- Multiple users
- Measure expected returns, historical variances, market and sector correlations
- Instantly assess the impact on risk and return when investing or divesting assets from a property portfolio
- Price on request
- Software as a Service